Mami Shortcuts

Hi Mamis…

So I just finished giving myself a 10 minute manicure over at Sephora…and while I was waiting for my polish to dry (Marc Jacobs Nail Lacquer in Oui – amazing purple/pink color) I started thinking about mami shortcuts.

Our time is limited so we come up with time savers – for everything. For example…I apply my makeup during my commute to work (only recommended if you have steady hands and nerves of steel). I often eat at my desk so I have my lunch hour free to devote to personal errands, etc. So this afternoon when I grew tired of looking at my man hands so I ran into Sephora and spent $0 on a nice manicure. Whohooo! It’s the little things that keeps me going!

What are your mami shortcuts? Please share!

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