It’s been a long time!

Hi Mamis!

So the summer has passed us by (was it ever really even here?) and I’m still breastfeeding…


The good news is that it’s down to 2x a day

The bad news is that my breasts are still not mine

I’m trying to wean on my daughter’s time table but man…I’m dying to get my boobs back!

While this happens I promise to keep updating my blog (even when life gets in the way) and I’m thinking of expanding this internet space of mine to include more product reviews, raves, bashes, and Mami life hacks…what do you all think?

Let me know Mamis…

Have a great afternoon ๐Ÿ™‚

Long time no post!

Hi Mamis…


Sorry for not posting in a while…I’m actually in the process of revamping the blog…stay tuned for the new format, I think you’re going to like it!

And even though I missed posting something for Mother’s Day (really…every day should be Mother’s Day but that’s a separate post)…below is picture reminding each and everyone of you of your importance ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great day Mamis!!!




Mami Shortcuts

Hi Mamis…

So I just finished giving myself a 10 minute manicure over at Sephora…and while I was waiting for my polish to dry (Marc Jacobs Nail Lacquer in Oui – amazing purple/pink color) I started thinking about mami shortcuts.

Our time is limited so we come up with time savers – for everything. For example…I apply my makeup during my commute to work (only recommended if you have steady hands and nerves of steel). I often eat at my desk so I have my lunch hour free to devote to personal errands, etc. So this afternoon when I grew tired of looking at my man hands so I ran into Sephora and spent $0 on a nice manicure. Whohooo! It’s the little things that keeps me going!

What are your mami shortcuts? Please share!

I think I want my breastises back

Hi Mamis…

I have a major confession to make. I think I’m ready to wean my daughter off the boob. It’s really hard to admit that since I’m so super pro breast feeding and baby led weaning, I feel like a hypocrite. It’s just come to a point where I want my boobs to be my own again.

Right now my darling little meatball nurses on demand (which means she nurses at night) and I’m kind of finding myself increasingly annoyed by late night nursing sessions. I know, that’s pretty crappy but it’s the truth. I fear that my increasing annoyance will taint my whole breastfeeding experience.

So what do I do? How do I begin the weaning process? When do I begin it? The World Health Organization currently recommends that mothers breastfeed until the age of 2. Luckily enough, my meatball will be 2 fairly soon. Should I wait? We’re almost there, about 2 months away, or should I start weaning now?

Do any of you have plans to wean? Have you weaned? How did you feel? How do your boobs feel? Did they get engorged and was it painful or did you barely notice? Please leave your comments, I’m really curious to read your thoughts and advice on this matter.

Have a great evening mamis!

OH!!! And if you didn’t notice, the title of this post has a reference to a lyric from Drunk In Love which has pretty much been on repeat since December. All hail Beyoncรฉ!!! (Who also breastfed!!!!!)

Happy New Year Mamis! 2014 and I’m still breastfeeding!

Happy New Year!

2014 is here and I am still breastfeeding (I can’t believe it!). I didn’t think I’d be doing it for this long, I was certain that once meatball started solids, she’d prefer real food to mama’s milk but nope! She still loves to nurse whenever I am near, and she loves to nurse herself to sleep.

A lot of people ask me why I’m still doing it, or rather they tell me I need to stop (family members included -_-) and all I say is that I don’t have any plans on weaning my daughter. I want her to go off the boob at her own pace. Now let me just say that this is what WORKS for us and is not necessarily what everyone should do. Always assess your situation, desire and need and take it from there.

Nursing a toddler is not easy, it gets annoying and sometimes I wonder when I will get my boobs back, but for me…it’s just not something I plan to give up until she goes to college……KIDDING!!! LOL KIDDING!!!!!

Are any of you mamis still nursing past 6 months? 1 year? More? Did you wean? Why? Sound off on the comments mamis!


Have a great evening ๐Ÿ™‚


Even the Pope approves

Good morning Mamis

Even if you’re not Catholic or religious for the matter you have to admit that Pope Francis is very different than his predecessors. He’s shaking up the Vatican by living modestly and making bold statements. He’s Time magazine’s Person of the Year and with good reason. I like him a lot. He was already cool in my book, but then he came out and defended a woman’s right to breastfeed in public…even at the Vatican. Smart guy!

YES POPE FRANCIS AKA POPE AWESOME!!! Read the article here.

Remember mamis..breastfeeding in public is a choice, you don’t have to do it if you don’t feel comfortable but isn’t it nice to know that major world figures are coming forth and normalizing breastfeeding? I’ve done it myself on more than one occasion and I’ve never gotten a negative reaction but then again, I don’t care either way. Anyhoot…a more detailed post on that later…in the meanwhile…..

Have a great weekend and eeekkksss!!! 5 days until Christmas (or 4 if you are Latina/o hee hee)



Sometimes I think to myself “hey I’m getting the hang of this motherhood thing” and then something happens that painfully reminds me that I don’t! (In today’s case it was seeing my clothes all over the floor and seeing bare drawers) Ain’t life funny that way?

So here’s a great little quote that puts a nice perspective on the journey called motherhood.

Good night mamis!


Thrush – Say What Now?

Hi Mamis

A couple of months ago while I was nursing my growing meatball I started experiencing a stinging pain in my nipples. I brushed it off thinking meatball was probably nursing with a bad latch. Later that evening it happened again and I didn’t think anything of it. A couple of days later while brushing meatball’s teeth I noticed her gums where very white and brushing wasn’t getting rid of it. I was still experiencing stinging nipple pain even when I wasn’t nursing. I was perplexed so of course like any 21st century mami, I googled meatball’s curious symptoms.

The first thing that popped up was “Oral Thrush”. Something I’ve never heard of in my life. What is oral thrush you ask? It’s basically a yeast infection of the mouth. How does a baby get thrush? How is it cured? Can you prevent it? You can find the particulars here.

What did I do after being internet doctor and diagnosing my daughter? I made an appointment to see meatball’s pediatrician and the pediatrician right away said “yeap…it’s thrush” and told me she was going to prescribe meatball some liquid anti-fungal stuff and told me to call my OB/GYN to get treatment. I was really upset but the pediatrician assured me that thrush is quite common and easy to cure.

All in all, it took about 5 days for thrush to clear up. There have been no recurrences since then but I did take some precautionary measures and threw out all of her old pacifiers (Click here to look through my favorite brand of pacifiers) got news ones and thoroughly cleaned and steamed all of her favorite toys.

Has anyone here experienced thrush as well? Any tips or advice on how to deal with it?

Thanks for reading mamis! Have a great afternoon ๐Ÿ™‚

Babies are humans too

Came across this and I needed to share…sometimes we expect our kids to do things we ourselves cannot do.

Food for thought!

Have a good Day mamis! And happy Veteran’s day to my armed forces mamis across the world. Thank you for keeping us safe.


So true! It’s good to research but always follow your gut!

I couldn’t agree more with this! There are so many ways to do things for your baby, and it’s great to learn more but what’s ultimately best is to follow your natural mami instinct.

Have a good night mamis!!!
